Deciding upon the robe style you want to create that will suit you, your bedrooms and the rest of your home, is one of the first important steps you will take at the beginning of your wardrobe journey. With so many styles and layouts to chose from, trying to pinpoint the perfect fit for you can seem overwhelming. Our expert designers are here to guide and help with this during your design appointment, however, it’s definitely something worth contemplating beforehand.
Below we explore our five favourite resources that we think will help you discover your dream Freedom Wardrobes style.
1. Our Catalogue
Our Freedom Wardrobes catalogue is the perfect place to start researching and discovering your dream style. Filled with images, information and product details it’s bound to inspire the style that you would like to bring to your home.

Within it’s pages you will learn about Walk-in, Hinged and Sliding robe layouts and see the numerous and stylish designs we created with the contestants of last years series of The Block: The Oslo.

It also contains swatches of our stylish options for Exterior Doors and Interior Finishes as well as luxury extras and handles, which will complete the overall look of your closets.
Download our latest Wardrobe catalogue HERE.
2. Our Website.
Our website is a digital one-stop-shop for everything on offer at Freedom Wardrobes. Here, you can discover layout options, as well as our catalogues, showroom locations, image galleries, special offers and the forms to book your free in-home or Video call design appointment.

Jump across to our Blog section which is packed with information, imagery and inspiration. Sharing new blogs on a regular basis, we cover topics from the latest style trends, new products, and design tips and tricks.
Click HERE and let Jules Sebastian take you on a Freedom Wardrobes journey.
3. Instagram
Instagram is a wonderful platform when researching your dream wardrobe style. Begin by following us @freedomwardrobes, and you will see a variety of styles and layout options to fall in love with.
You can also explore Instagram using a range of hashtags or by following accounts that resonate with your own aesthetic. For example, if you love the idea of a walk-in robe you may like to search #walkinrobe, and scroll through numerous images of this glamorous layout.

To make it even easier, Instagram allows you to save images that you love and create your own ‘Collections’, which you can share with your Freedom Wardrobes designer at your In-home or Video Call design appointment- this is a great starting point for discussing and designing wardrobes that suits your style, bedrooms and home.
Follow us: @freedomwardrobes.
4. Pinterest
Similar to Instagram, Pinterest is another fun and effective platform to explore your wardrobe style, allowing you to create ‘moodboards’ of any of the looks you love. Essentially a visual discovery search engine, Pinterest allows you to bookmark images or ‘Pins’ from across the site. When you discover Pins you love, simply save them to a Board – a virtual photo gallery- to keep your ideas organised and easy to find.

Not sure where to start? Follow us on freedomwardrobes, where we showcase a number of boards to help you discover your style. Beyond that, you can simply put in phrases, similar to how you would in Google, such as ‘wardrobe design’ etc- the possibilities are endless!
Follow us on freedomwardrobes.
5. Magazines.
While the amazing digital resources mentioned above provide plenty of inspiration, there is something to be said for the enjoyment of flicking through a beautiful and glossy magazine with a cup of tea and stepping into beautiful homes in Australian and beyond.

Interior publications such as Australian House & Garden, Inside Out, Real Living, Belle and Home Beautiful are full of inspiration and information perfect for defining your interior and wardrobe style. Create a vision board or bookmark your favourite pages to show your designer- it doesn’t even need to be all wardrobes, it can any room- we will work with you to match our cabinetry and accessories with the styles that you are drawn to and love.
Ready to bring your dream wardrobe style to life?
Click HERE to book a free design appointment at your home or via video call, or HERE to download our latest catalogue!