Australia’s very own Master KonMari™ Consultant Gemma Quinn spent some time with Freedom Kitchens & Wardrobes to tell us all about the KonMari Method™, why it’s sweeping households by storm, and how organisation can spark joy in your daily life – whether it be in the kitchen, or the bedroom.
What is the KonMari Method™, for those who haven’t come across it before?
GQ: The KonMari Method™ was created by Japanese founder Marie Kondo, and is a simple, smart and effective method to tidy, declutter and organise homes. It does this through focusing on your ideal life and surrounding yourself with things which spark joy.
How did you get into it – and why do you think ‘tidying up’ this way has become such a phenomenon?
GQ: Even at a young age, being neat and tidy gave me a sense of relief and calmness. Looking back, I had always understood that having the right objects in your life can make you feel happier and more balanced. I think that my respect for objects developed when I was a teenager and I participated in a Japanese exchange program.
My path to becoming a professional organiser was far from direct, but everywhere I went—from studying business and fashion to working in business operations in the design and advertising industries—I always found myself organising. People used to say to me, “Can you help me organise?” and “You should be a Professional Organiser.”
A few years ago, I was considering making a change in career to become a Professional Organiser, and that was when my aunt lent me Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying. What struck me about that book is that the method it teaches, called KonMari™, is about so much more than just organising.
People around the world have been drawn to this philosophy not only due to its effectiveness, but also because it places great importance on being mindful, introspective and forward-looking. For me it started with Marie Kondo’s book, but the Netflix series that launched last year, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, certainly gave it exposure to a whole new level, and it’s been changing people’s lives ever since.
“KonMari™is fundamentally about connecting with yourself and your belongings in a way that allows you to organise your home and get on with living your ideal life—one full of joy.” – Gemma Quinn
What are some wardrobe organisation solutions that speak to the KonMari Method™ of having things on display, and ‘sparking joy’?
GQ: When working with clients, many come across items which they love but have forgotten about as they haven’t been visible in their wardrobe. Using the KonMari Method™ allows all your items to be visible at once, allowing you to see and enjoy all your clothing and you don’t forget to wear the items you love due to not being able to see them. Opening your wardrobe and being able to easily see all of your clothes, shoes and accessories is a really delightful experience and not only does it make life easier, it allows you to wear clothes which make you feel and look great.
One of the more beautiful aspects of the KonMari Method is to include sentimental items into our everyday. Using glass display shelves in a wardrobe allows you to arrange and engage with those items that touch your heart the most. Imagine opening your wardrobe and seeing a photo of a loved one, your favourite perfume or a magical rock given to you by your child.
Joy really can be found in many different and unique ways, and some are not so obvious. I personally love the sensory joy of soft close drawers, as well as clever accessories that give everything its own place (as seen in the videos below).
What’s the best way to fold clothes in your wardrobe drawers?
GQ: Folding and storing clothes using the KonMari Method™, allows the fibres in your clothes to rest and protects delicate clothes from unnecessary damage, as some fibres will stretch and go out of shape when they are hung.
Using the vertical folding method (as shown in the diagram below) also allows you to see all of your clothes at once rather than being hidden under layers, and makes for a more efficient use of space.
How does the KonMari method address dirty laundry in the bedroom?
GQ: Once people have tidied their belongings with the KonMari Method, they generally cherish and want to take care of their items; this includes their laundry and not wanting to just throw it on the floor anymore.
I encourage people to find a joy-sparking way to store their laundry, whether it be a hamper to match your décor if on the floor, or a hanging hamper within your wardrobe that keeps it completely out of sight (as seen in the video below) – the one from Freedom Wardrobes certainly sparks joy for me, I really love it!
Would you like to spark some joy in your daily life with a new Freedom Wardrobe?
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If you’d like to learn more about Gemma Quinn and the KonMari™ Method, visit her at: gemmaquinn.com.au